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Your donation is 100% secure and 100% tax deductible!

Your donation will help a family in desperate need receive resources for a better life.

Note: Harbor’s Light International free-gifts are exclusively for our Monthly Supporters.
No international shipping.

Thank you for supporting our work!

3 ways your support saves lives

Medical aid

Your support will help our team members to focus on their work. Finding and getting to remote villages takes a lot of work, but helping even one person is worth it for us.

Educational Resources

Your support will help each child we reach to receive the educational resources they need to avoid the hazards of human trafficking and extreme poverty.

Humanitarian Aid

Your support will help each person receive the basic necessities they need to not only survive, but also to thrive in hostile and remote regions all around the planet.

Become a Monthly Supporter

Pledge just 50¢ a day as a monthly supporter and you will receive a free gift in the mail! (No international shipping)